Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Rescue Spoon

It's strange how, when I was younger, I used to think that people got married immediately after entering college. That people found their one, true love in their first college class and by the end of the year, a proposal should occur. That "The One" would come sweep me off my feet and rescue me from my single life, or whatever they're supposed to do. I guess that's the naivete that every child has after watching Disney Princess movies. But even as I've grown out of that thought, I still think that I have a very naive thought of how my future husband, marriage, life will turn out.

I only got to thinking about this after my cousin picked me up to go to the Melting Pot last week. It was a "Girl's Night Out" kind of a thing, and we started to talk about relationships and whatnot. Then, my cousin says something on the lines of "I'm going to do whatever my husband says. I'm going to just follow whatever his choices are". Like I said, something on the lines of that. But that statement struck strange to me. For me, especially in this day and age, women can make their own choices, follow their own paths, without having to perpetually be one step behind their husband. But is it a naive thought to want to be independent first and then find someone to love? Even today, as my dad drove me back to school, I made a comment that I wanted to live in one of the houses in Bel Air. He told me to study hard and find a smart husband who would be able to support me. I know that I'm not going to a good school just to find a husband, and that's not what I believe that he was insinuating. But, he definitely was getting at the fact that my husband should ultimately make more money than me and be in control of the relationship. While I argued that I would support myself with or without a husband, is that only a doe-eyed, puppy dog thought? Is it possible to have a relationship in which the woman is the more dominating force without putting a strain in the relationship or are there really different gender roles that need to be fulfilled?

I guess it's only a thought. I mean, it's not like I'm really looking for "The One" right now.

Sorry Mom.

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