Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Life Lessons

So this past weekend was the First Annual Food Festival. Considering I'm a huge greasy food from random places kind of girl, I thought that this would be an ideal place to stop by. I figured it would be the perfect lunch break: greasy, delicious finger food that would only cost, at most, $5 per plate. This meant that I could probably eat like a King for around $20.

And being the cliche "broke college student", this was an elating thought.

I thought I'd make it the perfect, inexpensive outing and catch the metro to Downtown Los Angeles. I was pretty proud of myself: I'm, once again, getting great food for a decent price while also helping the environment by taking the subway and not contributing to the LA pollution problem. The day couldn't have been going any better. I was basically whistling as I got off the subway and didn't even mind walking up that huge street in order to get to the festival.

But then I saw it. While I thought of many possible inconveniences of the food festival, hot weather, lots of walking, too much good food to choose from, what I was not anticipating was a line to get into the festival. There was a good 2 hour line that stretched around the block that would put Space Mountain's line to shame. And while I do tend to over-exaggerate when I talk of certain subjects, I kid you not, this line was ridiculously long, all to get into a small parking lot packed with too many trucks and WAY too many people.
As you can tell, I was a bit bitter at this point.

But I figure this shouldn't bring my whole day down. So with a bit of quick thinking, I decided to, once again, hop on the metro and this time, I was headed to Chinatown for dimsum. I was basically patting my back for coming up with such a ingenious plan.

I will do great things one day.

Luckily, there was a dimsum place that was still open (most restaurants stop serving dimsum after 12), so my mom and I sat down, quickly grabbed 4 plates to start off with, and began digging in. The great thing about dimsum is that everything looks relatively small, so you don't feel like you're eating as much food. Which means, you don't feel as guilty. Which means, you ignore that small voice that tells you you're eating too much and continue to stuff yourself.

Drowning out that voice tends to be easy especially when you have a couple plates of Baked Pork Rolls in front of you. Sweet buttery rolls encase juicy, tender pork to create the perfect little dimsum that can be scarfed down in a matter of 2 seconds. The rolls are glazed with a little bit of honey that make your fingers slightly sticky, but not sticky enough, so you grab another roll and wonder if anything could ever taste this good.
But let me tell you, over eating always comes back to bite you in the ass. Not long after my trek home, I started to get a headache and started to feel a little fatigued. To cut a long, gruesome story short, my day ended up kneeling over a toilet in a movie theatre bathroom for a good hour and a half.

Lesson learned. There is such a thing as "too much good stuff".

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