Sunday, March 14, 2010

Native Foods

I went to dinner with some friends at Native Foods last week and let me tell you, this will change the way you think about vegan food. I'm a huge meat lover. I like my small salads with a big side of steak. So the thought of something as disgusting as tofurkey isn't that appetizing to me (not that I'm bashing on anyone's life choices. I just like eating real turkey at Thanksgiving).

But Native Foods is anything but dry, tofu that's mashed up together to be a meat alternative. I had a Sausage and Portobello Burger that was juicy and greasy with a side of crisp sweet potato fries. But even after devouring the whole burger, I didn't have that nasty side effect that meat usually gives you. You know, the feeling that you just swam in a pool of fat?

Everything was made out of tempeh and seitan, which I guess are different types of wheat and soy products that can make hearty meals. And all the vegetables were fresh and I had a guilt free meal, knowing that the food I was eating was relatively good for me.

Anyway, over dinner, my friends and I discussed the latest news, of how this guy is in love with his girl pause friend and confessed, only to be met with an long, awkward silence before she muttered a few unintelligent syllables and rushed out of the room. While many might think that best friends falling for each other would be the best way of starting a relationship, it only works out in the movies. It's this idealized thought that Hollywood continues to write up as their main plot in all the cheesy, romantic movies that Jennifer Aniston stars in.

But it made me wonder if it was even is possible for a guy and a girl to be JUST friends. I guess that's a reoccurring theme for everyone though. It's hard to find that perfect middle where you can be friends with someone of the opposite sex without having some sort of a sexual tension that always seems to ensue. It's almost as if, no matter what, when you strike up a conversation with a person of the opposite sex, rumors start flying around you that one is interested in the other, which only tends to make the starting relationship have an awkward beginning when that suspicion was based on nothing. Or, if a close relationship does start up, then one inevitably falls for the other, and in due time, a slip is made and that secret is let out, which puts a strain on the whole friendship. Let's face it, it's always awkward when someone confesses their true love for another and the only response that is generated is "...Thank you?"

Whatever, I guess all I can say at this point is goodluck getting back to where you guys were. Let me know if the sacred "middle ground" is ever achieved.

{Portobello and Sausage Burger}
{Poncho's Quesavilla}

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