Thursday, December 23, 2010

The New Year

With the start of a new year, there is always that seemingly obligatory rule to create new goals--whether it be to be more dedicated with work, to make more meaningful relationships, or the ever popular "lose the last ten pounds". But, within a month, we tend to forget the goals that we made at the beginning of the year and settle into the same routine that has consumed our lives. The problem with many of the resolutions that are made is they lack the actual resolution--there is no commitment on a daily basis to change one's life, even if the goal is small. Human beings are creatures of habit and instead of challenging ourselves, we tend to fall into a comfortability level that is so hard to climb out of.

So, this year, I've decided to try to break out of that tendency and make a goal that, while challenging, is something that is conceivable--to not be so dependent on technology.

While this actually may seem like a daunting task, I mean it in the simplest sense: to not sign on Facebook the second I open my browser, to not watch reruns of the same shows online, to not check up on celebrity gossip. These insignificant tasks that I partake in daily seem to consume hours of my time, and while it seems fulfilling at the moment, it doesn't really make a difference in my life. Is it really necessary for me to know why Taylor Swift and Jake Gyllenhaal broke up?

Though it is sad, not really.

I also find that Facebook seems to run our lives. While it is a useful outlet, in the sense of connecting with people, it shouldn't be something I use to check up on a friend instead of meeting up with him/her outside of that blue and white screen. I find that Facebook doesn't act as a true connector but disconnects people from the moment they are actually in. It's funny that "profile that shit" has become an actual saying, and instead of enjoying the time you have with your friends, you immediately upload pictures through your phone to show where you are and what you are doing. This seems to come from a need to have a validation that what you are doing is acceptable and cool, and that validation comes when you hear that notification that someone "liked" your photo.

This is not to say that everyone on Facebook is like this; I'm only speaking through my personal experience. God forbid I actually attempt to tell others that what they are doing is meaningless or even guide others on how they should or shouldn't live their lives. In the wise words of Britney, it's your prerogative. But, at least for this new year, I'm going to attempt to slowly wean myself off of unnecessary habits and focus on bettering myself.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Thinking of Spring

It's midterm time again. Meaning, I'm spending countless hours wasting time on facebook, youtube, and of course, surfthechannel. My dedication to studying only lasts around 5 hours until my mind starts wandering around and I search for excuses not to study.

My reason today for not continuing with my studies?

I NEEDED to go to the gym.

So it wasn't one of my best excuses, but what can I say? I was desperate.

And of course, me going to the gym actually means calling up my best friend on the way there, talking to her for another 15 minutes outside of the gym, then walking in and working out for a grandiose 10 minutes only to leave and finish the conversation with her on the walk back home. Then, I took a shower, got food, and of course while I'm eating, I justified watching TV for 2 hours because, well, "I was eating".

I don't know. It seemed to legitimize my break at the time. But now, looking at the clock, I realize that it's 8 PM, meaning I'm getting to my panic mode where I start screaming how I hate midterms and hate studying.

I miss spring break...
{Boiling Crabs with new friends}
{shopping for shoes you can't afford}
{polaroid pictures at cafes}
{ice cream in the middle of the day}

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


I wonder what it is about cheap, greasy food that makes my heart melt. Driving back from looking for apartments with my roommate, out of the corner of our eye, we spied a dirty truck that says the word "Kogi" on it. After a quick double take, I slammed my brakes in the middle of the street and kicked my roommate out with her wallet to stand in line.

After waiting for a good half hour (which I'm told is not that long for the Kogi truck), and trying to find parking while an old white man in a Mercedes honked at me profusely because I'm not moving fast enough, my roommate came back with a big bag that had grease spots all over it.

I knew that it'd be a good dinner.

{Kimchi Quesadilla}
{Bulgogi Burrito}

Note to self: Stop posting food pictures on this blog only. Also, if going to post food pictures on the blog, do not post at night.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


I guess I'm finding it pretty pointless to write in a blog where I'm writing incessantly about insignificant topics that'll make me laugh at my stupidity in about 5 years.

Scratch that. In about 5 months.

I also tend to write these incredibly long posts which I'm sure that no one really wants to read because, unlike Lauren from The Hills, I don't really lead a spontaneous life. Other than the occasional outings with my friends, I live rather mundanely day to day. But I guess it's one of those things where I want to know what I was doing during that time in my life and see what I was thinking about.

I guess my hiatus from writing started with spring break and my grandma's funeral. I think it's during these times when you realize that nothing is really as important as family? I'm not trying to sound depressed about it, but I guess that corny saying is true. Corny sayings have to come from somewhere so I guess they have SOME truth to it.

Anyway, I guess I'll end it on that note. I don't really feel like attempting to be witty after mentioning something that's not really on my "happy, fun topic" list.

할머니 <3

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Native Foods

I went to dinner with some friends at Native Foods last week and let me tell you, this will change the way you think about vegan food. I'm a huge meat lover. I like my small salads with a big side of steak. So the thought of something as disgusting as tofurkey isn't that appetizing to me (not that I'm bashing on anyone's life choices. I just like eating real turkey at Thanksgiving).

But Native Foods is anything but dry, tofu that's mashed up together to be a meat alternative. I had a Sausage and Portobello Burger that was juicy and greasy with a side of crisp sweet potato fries. But even after devouring the whole burger, I didn't have that nasty side effect that meat usually gives you. You know, the feeling that you just swam in a pool of fat?

Everything was made out of tempeh and seitan, which I guess are different types of wheat and soy products that can make hearty meals. And all the vegetables were fresh and I had a guilt free meal, knowing that the food I was eating was relatively good for me.

Anyway, over dinner, my friends and I discussed the latest news, of how this guy is in love with his girl pause friend and confessed, only to be met with an long, awkward silence before she muttered a few unintelligent syllables and rushed out of the room. While many might think that best friends falling for each other would be the best way of starting a relationship, it only works out in the movies. It's this idealized thought that Hollywood continues to write up as their main plot in all the cheesy, romantic movies that Jennifer Aniston stars in.

But it made me wonder if it was even is possible for a guy and a girl to be JUST friends. I guess that's a reoccurring theme for everyone though. It's hard to find that perfect middle where you can be friends with someone of the opposite sex without having some sort of a sexual tension that always seems to ensue. It's almost as if, no matter what, when you strike up a conversation with a person of the opposite sex, rumors start flying around you that one is interested in the other, which only tends to make the starting relationship have an awkward beginning when that suspicion was based on nothing. Or, if a close relationship does start up, then one inevitably falls for the other, and in due time, a slip is made and that secret is let out, which puts a strain on the whole friendship. Let's face it, it's always awkward when someone confesses their true love for another and the only response that is generated is "...Thank you?"

Whatever, I guess all I can say at this point is goodluck getting back to where you guys were. Let me know if the sacred "middle ground" is ever achieved.

{Portobello and Sausage Burger}
{Poncho's Quesavilla}

Friday, March 5, 2010

Bossa Nova

Considering how much I love to eat, I think it's strange that I've never been to Bossa Nova before. Right across the street from The Abbey, this small restaurant had an outdoor patio that was perfectly heated during a rainy night. Though Bossa Nova did create a good atmosphere, it wasn't one of the best Friday night dinners that I've ever encountered. Maybe it had to do with the fact that the night started off trying to find parking in LA to avoid the $10 valet charge only to end up back at the same spot because it was obvious that it was impossible. Or maybe it was the fact that the valet was extremely rude, YES man with the yellow raincoat, I am talking about you.

So granted, we were in a crabby mood by the time we walked into the restaurant. But, the food, in itself, wasn't as great as I expected it to be. Maybe I ordered the wrong dish, but it's definitely not a place that I would rave about to others. On the plus side, the food did come out in HUGE portions and it was priced relatively well. But, overall, it wasn't as great as I was expecting it to be.

{Pao de Quijo}
{Fresh Boneless Chicken Breast on Fire}

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Life Lessons

So this past weekend was the First Annual Food Festival. Considering I'm a huge greasy food from random places kind of girl, I thought that this would be an ideal place to stop by. I figured it would be the perfect lunch break: greasy, delicious finger food that would only cost, at most, $5 per plate. This meant that I could probably eat like a King for around $20.

And being the cliche "broke college student", this was an elating thought.

I thought I'd make it the perfect, inexpensive outing and catch the metro to Downtown Los Angeles. I was pretty proud of myself: I'm, once again, getting great food for a decent price while also helping the environment by taking the subway and not contributing to the LA pollution problem. The day couldn't have been going any better. I was basically whistling as I got off the subway and didn't even mind walking up that huge street in order to get to the festival.

But then I saw it. While I thought of many possible inconveniences of the food festival, hot weather, lots of walking, too much good food to choose from, what I was not anticipating was a line to get into the festival. There was a good 2 hour line that stretched around the block that would put Space Mountain's line to shame. And while I do tend to over-exaggerate when I talk of certain subjects, I kid you not, this line was ridiculously long, all to get into a small parking lot packed with too many trucks and WAY too many people.
As you can tell, I was a bit bitter at this point.

But I figure this shouldn't bring my whole day down. So with a bit of quick thinking, I decided to, once again, hop on the metro and this time, I was headed to Chinatown for dimsum. I was basically patting my back for coming up with such a ingenious plan.

I will do great things one day.

Luckily, there was a dimsum place that was still open (most restaurants stop serving dimsum after 12), so my mom and I sat down, quickly grabbed 4 plates to start off with, and began digging in. The great thing about dimsum is that everything looks relatively small, so you don't feel like you're eating as much food. Which means, you don't feel as guilty. Which means, you ignore that small voice that tells you you're eating too much and continue to stuff yourself.

Drowning out that voice tends to be easy especially when you have a couple plates of Baked Pork Rolls in front of you. Sweet buttery rolls encase juicy, tender pork to create the perfect little dimsum that can be scarfed down in a matter of 2 seconds. The rolls are glazed with a little bit of honey that make your fingers slightly sticky, but not sticky enough, so you grab another roll and wonder if anything could ever taste this good.
But let me tell you, over eating always comes back to bite you in the ass. Not long after my trek home, I started to get a headache and started to feel a little fatigued. To cut a long, gruesome story short, my day ended up kneeling over a toilet in a movie theatre bathroom for a good hour and a half.

Lesson learned. There is such a thing as "too much good stuff".

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Sweet Things

So I went to get breakfast at Sprinkles a little while ago with a couple friends and I never thought that I'd buy into all the hype that surrounded it. I mean, really. It's only a cupcake. What's the big deal? But, one bite of that tiny cupcake was all I needed to be hooked. It's incredibly moist and the cupcake in itself doesn't make you feel like you're biting into a big batch of sugar. The cream cheese frosting was so creamy and, really, is there any need to explain cream cheese frosting? It's absolutely the best.

To top it all off, the cupcake was paired with a steaming cup of coffee that did not need any cream or sugar because the roast in itself was incredibly rich with flavor. The tab was a bit expensive for only one cupcake with a cup of coffee, but it definitely is a treat to indulge in every once in a while.

While we enjoyed our breakfast on the little ledge that Sprinkles provides, I noticed someone familiar waiting in the long line that usually reaches the end of the block. With a quick double take, I realize that she's a girl I went to Junior High with. These are the moments that I dread--running into people from the past that you did not particularly get along with. While Junior High is bad enough, what with it being your most awkward stage as you pretend to be "hot shit" while in fact, you're still barely entering PG-13 movies without your parents' consent, it doesn't help having girls who's mission is to make your life miserable. And when I say miserable, I mean it in the deepest sense: these girls had nothing better to do than to criticize everything about you--clothes, schoolwork, looks, body, personality, etc., so that you end up constantly judging your own self-worth. All while pretending to be your best friend and smiling whenever a camera came close. (And while some may think "who cares", was anything more important in Junior High than to be liked by everyone? Yeah, I didn't think so)

But considering that's in the past, this girl came up to me and we exchanged friendly hello's, talked about how school was, and asked if we talked to anyone from Junior High. The more we talked, the easier it was to forget about some of the things she did, making me question if that experience was as bad as I thought. Looking back, regardless of a specific group of girls, I did end up creating meaningful friendships. And I did ultimately end up growing out of my awkward phase, kind of, and find my self-worth, or at least some of it. All in all, the moment that I have been so dreading wasn't that bad at all. I mean, even she seems more calm and less egotistical. I guess we all grew up from then.

Or not.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Rescue Spoon

It's strange how, when I was younger, I used to think that people got married immediately after entering college. That people found their one, true love in their first college class and by the end of the year, a proposal should occur. That "The One" would come sweep me off my feet and rescue me from my single life, or whatever they're supposed to do. I guess that's the naivete that every child has after watching Disney Princess movies. But even as I've grown out of that thought, I still think that I have a very naive thought of how my future husband, marriage, life will turn out.

I only got to thinking about this after my cousin picked me up to go to the Melting Pot last week. It was a "Girl's Night Out" kind of a thing, and we started to talk about relationships and whatnot. Then, my cousin says something on the lines of "I'm going to do whatever my husband says. I'm going to just follow whatever his choices are". Like I said, something on the lines of that. But that statement struck strange to me. For me, especially in this day and age, women can make their own choices, follow their own paths, without having to perpetually be one step behind their husband. But is it a naive thought to want to be independent first and then find someone to love? Even today, as my dad drove me back to school, I made a comment that I wanted to live in one of the houses in Bel Air. He told me to study hard and find a smart husband who would be able to support me. I know that I'm not going to a good school just to find a husband, and that's not what I believe that he was insinuating. But, he definitely was getting at the fact that my husband should ultimately make more money than me and be in control of the relationship. While I argued that I would support myself with or without a husband, is that only a doe-eyed, puppy dog thought? Is it possible to have a relationship in which the woman is the more dominating force without putting a strain in the relationship or are there really different gender roles that need to be fulfilled?

I guess it's only a thought. I mean, it's not like I'm really looking for "The One" right now.

Sorry Mom.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Our Basic Necessity

I don't think there's anything that brings people together like food does. It is the one thing that ties everyone together. I mean, it can't really be a coincidence that every time you go out with your friends, you're thinking of what to eat or drink. Any proper first date deals with two people heading to a restaurant. After a college graduation, students head over to their favorite restaurants, in order to help cure the hangover from the night before, their last night partying as a college student. Every event is normally sealed with the act of serving food. It's such a bonding experience: nothing is better than sitting around a table with the people you love, or for that moment endure, chatting about current events. It's probably around a dinner table or at a restaurant where you learn the most about the people you're with.

I usually eat the most around my two best friends, Hidy and Grace. Considering we all go to different schools, finding time to meet and catch up usually involves us going out to a restaurant. I think it was just recently that we realized HOW much we actually do eat. Eating is our life.